Work from Home…a Home You Own

Working from home makes it easier to own a home.

People who work from home are more likely to own a home
Telecommuting or remote workers are people who work from home instead of in the office. This lifestyle is made possible by progressions in technology and many people considerate a much more convenient way to work.

By cutting out the commute they add much more time into the life bracket of work-life balance. Lunch becomes easier as you can eat from the comfort of your kitchen. And you cannot forget the perk of sleeping in until it's time to start your day.

However, recent data from Apartment List shows that people who telecommute have an unexpected perk – more of them are homeowners than people who go into work. In fact, people who telecommute are 27 percent more likely to own a home than their commuter counterparts.

Why Are Telecommuters More Likely To Own a Home

There are two reasons why telecommuters are more likely to own a home than people trekking it into the office.

1. Telecommuters make more money.

Telecommuting is a much easier way of life than going to the office. Most people would likely choose to if they had the choice. Nonetheless, not everyone does. Partially, because a lot of companies don't offer it as a perk. But more so because it is a perk.

Entry-level employees likely haven't built up a rapport with the company they work at to have access to this perk. However, many more experienced employees – who also make more money – have built enough trust with their employer to earn this privilege.

For this factor, telecommuters don't make more money because they can telecommute, rather they can make more money because of their status with their employer.

2. Telecommuters can live wherever they want.

People who travel into the office commute on average 25 minutes per day each way. That being said, the average commuter lives within 25 minutes of the office. And all commuters have to at least be in a close enough proximity to work that they can get back and forth each day.

Nonetheless, people who telecommute are not chained down in that way. They can live as far away from their office as they'd like.

Housing is often more expensive within urban settings than it is in suburbia or away from big cities. With that being said, not only do telecommuters often make more than their commuter counterparts; but, they have access to a lot more housing options and can find one that meets their price range.

How Can This Information Help Me Rent to Own?

When you're looking for your rent to own property, think about your future. Do you think working from home could be in your future? If so, consider a lease-option on a property a bit farther from work. You will have a long commute in the short-run, but if you can find a more affordable property, it could be worth it!

American Architecture Avenua by Nout Gons is licensed under the Pexels Photo License
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